The Food Logging SDK is a fully featured meal tracking solution that allows you to create users and log meals on their behalf using images, text search and barcodes. It aims to automate food input by combining user's eating history and context with the food recognition and knowledge graph APIs to offer a higher accuracy system that's personalized to each user.
All meal logging related operations are performed on behalf of a user and must the authenticated using a User Token
, which is used to determine the identity of the user.
For more info see the user administration docs.
A Meal
represents a meal consumed by the user, it can include Entries
and Images
. For instance a meal could be
composed of a salad, beverage, and dessert. Each of these will be represented by one
or more entries with an image per course.
{"id": "422d6199-c1b6-4037-866f-e28c1ea0b0ca","title": "Oatmeal for Breakfast","description": "I had oatmeal for breakfast again today. It's full of fiber.","images": [],"entries": [],"is_done": true,"local_eaten_at_time": "2019-02-27T08:59:09.937098","utc_eaten_at_time": "2019-02-27T10:59:09.937098","time_created": "2019-02-27T11:27:05.971980Z","time_modified": "2019-02-27T11:27:05.972097Z"}
id | uuid of the meal |
title | optional user provided title for the meal |
description | optional long form description of the meal, which could be used as a note |
entries | list of meal entries, which contain the item logged and selected serving size |
images | user submitted images of the meal |
is_done | an optional flag to mark a meal as completely entered |
local_eaten_at_time | time the meal was consumed using the current local time of the user |
utc_eaten_at_time | UTC date time corresponding to the local eaten time |
time_created | server generated date time of when the meal was saved |
time_modified | server generated date time of when the meal was last edited |
Entering partial information
is the only required field on a meal, allowing the user to mark meal consumption without having to provide all of the information upfront.
This also allows you to only collect the information that's necessary for your application.
UTC and local consumption times
To handle the case of a user logging meals from multiple time zones you can set both a local and UTC eaten at time. Doing so will allow you to display the time of the day that the meal was eaten irrespective of current location.
is also used as contextual information to improve the recommendations provided to the user based on the time of the day.
A Meal Entry consists of a Food Item and optionally additional information to indicate which nutrition fact was selected, what the serving size was and which image contains the item.
id | entry identifier (autogenerated uuid) |
item | item consumed (uuid) |
nutrition_fact | id of nutrition fact selected for the given item (optional uuid) |
serving_amount | serving amount consumed for the selected nutrition_fact (optional float) |
image | id of image that contains this entry (optional uuid) |
{"id": "da17c010-e2b0-498d-b322-81ab3f354295","item": {"id": "1e0d5c1a-08fd-4228-89b5-ce9675eb0133","name": "Brown Rice","details": "no fat added in cooking","nutrition_facts": [{"id": "cf809f2a-11df-4a9d-8ad8-2c705fd50e5c","item": "1e0d5c1a-08fd-4228-89b5-ce9675eb0133","serving": {"amount": 1,"unit": {"id": "1f49b3a4-b335-492d-88b6-9f63f7ae0837","singular_name": "cup","abbreviated_singular_name": "cp","plural_name": "cups","abbreviated_plural_name": "cp","measure_type": "volume","granularity": null,"details": "US Customary Unit"},"grams": 195},"servings_per_package": null,"nutrition": {"calories": 214.5,...},"is_default": true},...]},"nutrition_fact": "cf809f2a-11df-4a9d-8ad8-2c705fd50e5c","serving_amount": 1.5,"image": "2f49b3a4-b335-492d-88b6-9f63f7ae0837","time_created": "2018-03-27T07:00:59.234598Z","time_modified": "2018-03-27T07:00:59.234739Z"}
Entries without nutrition information
If your application doesn't require nutrition information an entry can be created without specifying a nutrition_fact
and serving_amount
This also makes it possible to log high level food items that don't have nutrition information, such as dessert or salad.
Item is inferred from provided Nutrition Fact
If a nutrition_fact
is specified the item
id can be omitted as it will be inferred from the nutrition_fact
Assigning items to images
An image
id should be provided for the entry to specify which image the item appears in. This makes it possible to display all items for a given image and enables past meal recognition.
When an image or item is added to a meal the response from the API includes a suggestions
field that contains predictions for additional entries that have not yet been added to the meal.
These suggestions are similar to the predictions provided by the food recognition endpoint
but use contextual information such as user preferences, already logged items for the current meal
and time of day to improve the accuracy.
{"id": "ceefab10-a0a6-4c78-80a4-995e6c18d0cc","url": "","type": "","source_url": null,"suggestions": {"images": [{"image": {"id": "519c66cd-f8b5-4be0-a445-941c0f85e1f7","url": "","source_url": null},"entries": [{"item": {"id": "ea916a99-389c-45d2-940d-44d886af9e98","name": "Avocado"},"serving_amount": 0.5,"nutrition": "aaf734e1-6b2b-49ea-82e4-dc745126084b"}],"score": 0.2260914806461778}],"entries": [{"entry": {"item": {"id": "ea916a99-389c-45d2-940d-44d886af9e98","name": "Avocado"},"serving_amount": 0.5,"nutrition": "aaf734e1-6b2b-49ea-82e4-dc745126084b"},"score": 1}],"items": [{"item": {"id": "ea916a99-389c-45d2-940d-44d886af9e98","name": "Avocado"},"score": 0.18991},{"item": {"id": "4f941073-def2-4be7-8147-cd706514bb10","name": "Egg"},"score": 0.11009}]}}
images | list of similar looking images that were previously logged by the user along with the entries that were assigned to those images, making it possible to let a user copy a previously logged meal |
entries | entries with the item and serving amount, allowing the user to add the item without having to manually specify the serving size |
items | recognized items in the same format as the food recognition API |
Images can be uploaded by file, base64 encoding, multipart form, or by url reference. See inputting images into the API for more information. Once uploaded they can analyzed using the vision endpoints or added to a meal for suggestions.